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Why do Japanese people struggle with English pronunciation?

As a senior expert in linguistics, I have been asked numerous times about the struggles of Japanese people when it comes to English pronunciation. In my opinion, there are three main factors that contribute to this issue: phonetic differences, language education, and cultural influences.

Phonetic Differences

One of the biggest challenges for Japanese people learning English pronunciation is the huge number of phonetic differences between the two languages. Japanese language has only five vowels, while English has twelve. This disparity in the vowels makes it very difficult for Japanese learners to distinguish between similar sounding English words. For example, 'ship' and 'sheep', or 'bit' and 'beat' - these are words that Japanese learners often struggle with. English pronunciation also relies heavily on stress, melody, and intonation, which is fundamentally different from the Japanese language.

Language Education

Another factor is the education system in Japan, which places a heavy emphasis on grammar and writing skills, rather than speaking and listening skills. Japanese learners typically just memorize English vocabulary and grammar rules, without understanding how to correctly pronounce the words. Many English teachers in Japan also lack sufficient training themselves and may pass down incorrect pronunciation habits to their students.

Cultural Influences

Finally, cultural influences play a part in the struggles of Japanese people with English pronunciation. Japanese culture emphasizes politeness and conformity, which can make it difficult for learners to express themselves confidently in a foreign language. Additionally, the Japanese language is spoken with a flat, monotone pitch, whereas English demands a wide range of intonations and stresses on syllables, which may be difficult for Japanese speakers to grasp. In conclusion, Japanese people struggle with English pronunciation due to various phonetic differences, the shortcomings in language education, and cultural influences. However, this does not mean that they cannot improve their English pronunciation with practice and proper guidance. It is important for learners to understand the differences between the two languages and to receive more comprehensive training in speaking and listening skills.

Overall, it is crucial for Japanese learners of English to not be discouraged by these challenges and to stay motivated on their language learning journey.
